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From The Soul

Some Birthday Fun!

Some Birthday Fun!

As some of you may know, I celebrated my birthday over the weekend. I thought this would be a great opportunity to be a little bit self-indulgent and let you guys get to know me a little better. I always love knowing about the person behind a brand and I hope you will too!

Since I’m going to be turning 21 again (ahem) what better way than to answer 21 questions? So here we go…


1. How would my best friends describe me?

Wow, I would say caring, funny, someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and talks a lot.

 2. How would my kids describe me?

Straight from their mouths – “Busy, fun, coolish, loving, we love our cuddles!”

 3. What motivates me in my career?

My children, they often comment about Soul and its success. They really think it’s “something else” (their words! Bless their hearts) Hearing that inspires me to keep going and work harder and harder to make Soul everything it can be.

 4. Who do I look up to?

This is an easy one for me, Jo Malone. She has always been a great source of inspiration for me.

5. What impact do I want to have on the world?

To help as many people as possible. It’s what pushed me to start Soul in the first place, if I could give away my products to help more people then I would.

6. Do I have a special talent that surprises people?

Haha! I wish – unfortunately nothing exciting comes to mind.


7. Where do I like to go, or what do I like to do to relax?

We love going out for dinner, we are a very ‘foodie’ family. I also love time with my husband and of course exercise when I find the time, it really is my therapy.

8. What annoys me?

People not being kind. I was bought up to believe that if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all and I bring my children up the same way.

9. Who inspires me?

My children, every day.

10. What is my biggest dream?

To become the next Jo Malone. I know this may seem very ambitious, but it really is my absolute dream.

11. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?

Somewhere in between I think. I have moments where I’m confident but then sometimes I doubt myself and go into myself a little. But then I think lots of people are like that, aren’t they?

12. When did I feel really proud of myself?

Apart from giving birth to my three amazing children, I’m most proud of my candles being in the Grammies and Oscars goodie bags. It was such a huge ‘pinch me’ moment. The following press attention, especially this year after being featured three years in a row was also pretty amazing.

13. If you went back to school, what would you like to study?

Midwifery. I think it’s the most magical thing, childbirth. Imagine that as a job?!

14. Am I a tidy person or a messy one?

Naturally tidy but with three children and a husband you wouldn’t think so from looking at my house!

15. What is my favourite hobby?

Exercising at the gym.

16. Do you prefer country or city living?

Country, definitely. I’ve actually never lived in the city, I’ve always been a Shropshire girl.

17. What advice would I give to a younger me?

Just keep striving, anything really is possible.

18. What do I like best about my job?

Everything, I’m totally obsessed. I love my customers, they truly are the most supportive people out there. I love the social media platform for all the people I get the meet and chat to. I love how much my products can help people, the reviews I get blow me away sometimes and it makes me so proud. And I mean I’m surrounded by gorgeous smelling products all day, what’s not to love?!

19. What is the best piece of advice I have ever been given?

“Don’t give up.”

Many times, I could have given up on different things throughout my life but hearing that at a young age – it’s never allowed me to. It’s actually made me very stubborn!

20. What is my perfect Sunday?

Movies with the kids, a Sunday dinner and of course candles burning in my (hopefully) tidy house.

21. What am I most looking forward to between now and my next birthday?

I’m so excited to see what’s ahead for Soul. We’ve got some exciting things in the pipeline. Oh and I can’t wait to get married properly! Eekk best not forget that!
